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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated over a week ago

Q. What is the purpose of TrueCall?

A. TrueCall is a brand new tool that is designed to document the evidence of consumer call initiation and the consumer journey leading up to it. This allows companies to analyze the authenticity and origin of a consumer initiated call to ensure compliance with relevant marketing laws and prevent unwanted and possibly fraudulent calls.

This is especially desirable for companies who work with 3rd party marketing agencies, affiliates, and other companies who send them calls where transparency is greatly lacking and repercussions of non-compliance can be immense.

Q. How does TrueCall work?

A. TrueCall works by documenting evidence of consumer initiated calls on landing pages. It does this by way of a script placed on the website and working in tandem with Dynamic Number Insertion from a call tracking platform. For more technical information contact us for a demo.

Q. Does TrueCall work with Native Google Call Only or Native Facebook Ads?

A. At this time, TrueCall is a solution only for when a user lands on a landing page and calls. This could be a google ad to a landing page, or a facebook ad to a landing page etc.

Q. Does TrueCall work with offline calls (such as TV, Radio, Billboards etc.)

A. Currently, TrueCall does not support tracking calls initiated from offline advertising methods such as TV, radio, or billboards

Q. Does a user have to click-to-call?

A. No, users can also manually dial the phone number they see on a landing page

Q. What do I need to install TrueCall?

A. You will need the following:

  • A website you own where you are generating inbound calls

  • A call tracking platform with Dynamic Number Insertion functionality (often referred to as Number Pools). We are constantly adding more supported platforms.

  • Basic web developer knowledge

Q. What is a Generator?

A. A Generator (or publisher) is the company who creates the phone call and TrueCall ID.

Q. What is an End User?

A. An End User is anyone who validates a TrueCall ID. This does not have to be the end-service provider. This could be a network, a broker, a firm etc.

Q. Can I use TrueCall as a broker (a company who resells calls)?

A. Absolutely. Although the term 'End User' is broadly used on our platform, it refers to anyone who validates a TrueCall ID. Since TrueCall is API-based, it can be incorporated into calls through multiple intermediaries, maintaining its validity regardless of the number of middlemen.

Also, if you are a middleman and your client is requesting TrueCall, the only sensitive information that would be passed to them is the domain the call originated from, not the name or company of the originator, so a degree of privacy is maintained for those concerned about circumvention.

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